about me

I’m more than a freelance translator; I can help businesses grow in the Czech Republic with my translations. For over a decade, I’ve not only been translating technical, legal, and marketing documents, but also assisting companies in navigating their way through the Czech market. I’m here to ensure your business expansion is as smooth as possible. With a background in International Business Administration and extensive experience in market research, I’m well-prepared to prepare fro you adapted texts that will make your business grow in the Czech Republic and in Spain. Let’s collaborate to achieve your business goals! In addition to translation services, I offer a range of other services such as consecutive interpretation, subtitling, business travel companion services, and adaptation of marketing materials (including social media posts, leaflets, and webpages) to ensure everything is perfectly tailored to your needs. My working languages are Spanish, Czech, English, and French. It’s been an enriching journey of learning and growth, and I’m eager to share the insights I’ve gained with you.




I can help you translate your website, adapt your marketing materials, promote your social media presence abroad, and thus develop your brand. Additionally, I can provide interpretation services for your business negotiations.

More about me

Specialist in translation: English into Spanish

Official Course on Czech Law for Sworn Translators

Course Authorised Economic Operator (AEO)

International MBA (ICEX- Menéndez Pelayo University)

Local contact point


Business Travel Companion Services

Wide experience with wine



Spanish (mother tongue) English (C2) French (B2.2) Czech (C1.2)

I'm a bit of an influencer…

Article about me in Mladá fronta – DNES: Španěl se do Brna jezdí učit češtinu. Nadchlo ho jídlo, víno i hantec. (A Spaniard goes to Brno every summer to learn Czech. He was attracted by the food, wine, and ‘hantec [Brno’s dialect])
Miguel Valentin Gamazo - španělský student českého jazyka | foto: Otto Ballon Mierny, MAFRA
Zdroj: https://www.idnes.cz/brno/zpravy/spanel-do-brna-jezdi-ucit-se-cestinu-nadchlo-ho-jidlo-vino-i-hantec.A110819_1637088_brno-zpravy_kol

Photo from Mladá Fronta – Dnes. Miguel Valentin Gamazo | foto: Otto Ballon Mierny, MAFRA

Radio programme and article at the Czech National Radio: Letní škola slovanských studií slaví padesátku. The summer school of Slavonic Studies celebrates its 50th anniversary.

As Miguel Valentín – Gamazo Pontijas writes in his essay contained in the special anthology published for the 50th anniversary: “Yes. Some of you will find 50 of the best memories or 50 future friends from 50 countries or you will drink 50 beers in various 50 Brno pubs. I can imagine that those who were at the Summer School have their reasons. I have 50 reasons to write this text, 50 reasons to be grateful for the Summer School, and of course, 50 reasons why this school must continue existing.

Article in MUNI Press: Zamiloval jsem si hantec i folklor, říká bezchybnou češtinou Španěl. (I fell in love with folklore and ‘hantec’ [Brno’s underground dialect], says a Spaniard without mistakes)

Article in MUNI Press: Česko očima Srbky, Španěla a Chorvatky (Czech, as seen by Serbians, Croatians, and a Spaniard).

And many more: Radio Praga, Czech National Radio (Apetýt…)

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